
South Asian Meats: Aloo Gosht

Madhur Jaffrey

Lesson time 21:02 min

South Asian food encompasses more than just Indian cuisine. In this lesson, Madhur demonstrates a Pakistani Aloo Gosht and shows you her famous lemony chicken with cilantro, plus her own take on baked lamb kebabs.

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Topics include: Cooking With Goat · Aloo Gosht (Pakistani Potato and Goat) · Lemony Chicken · Baked Lamb Shami Kebabs


[MUSIC PLAYING] - Indians eat all types of meat. And what I'm going to make today is one of the many meat dishes we eat throughout India. You might call it a goat curry. I would call it aloo gosht. [MUSIC PLAYING] In India, those people who eat meat at all will eat goat. That is the common everyday meat. And when we go out to buy goat, we pick our pieces, because we want whatever we are making with it to be as tasty as it possibly can. So what we ask for, we ask the butcher can you give me some beck. Now this has bone in it. We like bone. We like the meat that surrounds bone. And can you give me some shoulder? But they'll be a bit of leg. And what I often love is a bit of the shank if they'll give it to us, because shank meat is delicious. But there's one thing that we as children just fought for every time the meat came to the table. We said, who's got the marrow bone? Who's got the marrow bone? Because there usually was only one marrow bone. And even for those who don't want to eat the marrow, it's the flavoring, the richness that it gives to this sauce of the meat that makes it the best tasting thing in the world. So we want a marrow bone or two or three, as many as you can get inside the particular dish that we are making. Now what I'm going to make for you today is aloo gosht, and this particular dish is from Pakistan. In Pakistan, a lot of the vegetables are eaten with meat. They're cooked with meat. So what I'm making is potatoes and goat meat. So to start with, I'm going to put a little oil. This is medium high heat. You need 4 tablespoons of oil. Now remember, you need the oil. Otherwise, you won't be able to fry the meat the way it needs to be fried. This is very important. If you have extra oil, you can take it out at the end, but put it in to begin with. Otherwise, the meat just won't fry and brown properly The way you want to. There's a word in India called Bono, which is the act of Browning, and that concentrates the flavor of the meat or of a vegetable. And this is essential at some stage. Now some people do it early on. Some people do it later. Now I'm going to put into this hot oil some cinnamon and some green cardamom pods. And what happens when you put hot oil and whole spices together, the spices give their flavor to the oil, and it's like a quick injection. The spice flavor goes right into the oil. These whole spices go into the dish and stay there, because people know that when they're eating they're going to put it to one side and not eat them. Next thing I do is put a whole red onion that has been cut into rings in, a whole red onion. Now I'm going to let this cook for a little while till it is lightly browned. All right, you might well ask, why she's doing a class on Indian food? Why is she talking about Pakistani food? Because here's the reason. India was one large country at one time. When I was growing up, India was-- Pakistan, B...

About the Instructor

With more than 30 award-winning cookbooks and a James Beard Foundation Cookbook Hall of Fame Award, Madhur Jaffrey may be the greatest living authority on Indian cuisine. Now she shares those vast and storied traditions with you. Learn 30 authentic recipes: vegetables, breads, South Asian meats, street foods, and more. Blend and layer spices and bring it all together—from the perfect bite to full menus of vibrant flavor.

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Madhur Jaffrey

7x James Beard Award winner Madhur Jaffrey teaches you 30 authentic recipes and shares India’s vast culinary traditions and techniques.

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