
Lip-smacking Savory Street-Food: Dahi Puri Chaat

Madhur Jaffrey

Lesson time 06:37 min

Chaat, the word for street food in India, comes from a word that means “to lick”—and street food is one of the most exciting parts of Indian cuisine. Madhur shares how to make Aloo Puri Chaat, a perfect party appetizer to get the flavor flowing.

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[INDIAN POP MUSIC] MADHUR JAFFREY: We are going to go into a special world of street food. What is street food? Indian street food is chaat-- C-H-A-A-T. And chaat means to lick. So anything that is so luscious that you're licking your lips after that forever-- mm, mwah-- you do that. When you do that, when something is hot, sweet, sour, it just titillates every aspect of your palate, that is what we call chaat. [MUSIC PLAYING] So I'm going to make just one of those dishes and show you how you can make street food at home. And here, again, when I have my dinner parties, I will often serve this street food as my first course. So I make it very often for my friends and offer it as a very first course. So I just put two or three, enough to get the juices going. That's the whole purpose. You get your juices going when you eat this kind of food. So these are little-- we call them either papris or we call them puris. There are different words for them, but you can buy them in the market. And they're crisp, and they come in this shape. So I'm going to take three. If one of them doesn't work out, there's a thicker side and a thinner side. So you put the thicker side at the bottom and the thinner side on the top. Let's say we do three per person. The first thing you do is you make a hole in it. And how do you make a hole? Like this. You need to make a hole to put in potatoes-- boiled potatoes cut small-- and cooked chickpeas, which you can get out of a can if you want, or you can boil them in a pressure cooker. So each one has to-- some break like this. That's your luck. Okay, never mind. And here's another one. Break the softer part like so. All right. Now, into that go a few pieces of potato-- three or four pieces of potato each. The potatoes are boiled. Make sure they're fully boiled and chopped. You don't want them hard in any way. And I've done it now with three of them. So now there's substance in this puri. Then I put a few chickpeas-- four or five, something like that-- whatever fits. All right. You can't do much else. You have to wait. Because these are crisp, and they will turn soggy, and the last thing you want is to have them soggy. So do this just-- I would do it 5 minutes before we eat. Usually, when we're having a big dinner, what I will do is take some friends to join me. And we do a little assembly line. And everybody does this in the last five minutes, quickly. You put, first, a little tamarind chutney inside. This is the chutney you made. You can put a teaspoon or a bit more. It all depends on your taste. [MUSIC PLAYING] Now, this is plain yogurt-- plain, absolutely plain yogurt-- that is beaten. I'm going to put this in, a teaspoon or less of that. But it has come way to the top. I want to see it. I want to see it on the top. Okay. Now, I put ground roasted cumin. You remember we roasted cumin? I want a little sprinkling of that. So you see all this color on t...

About the Instructor

With more than 30 award-winning cookbooks and a James Beard Foundation Cookbook Hall of Fame Award, Madhur Jaffrey may be the greatest living authority on Indian cuisine. Now she shares those vast and storied traditions with you. Learn 30 authentic recipes: vegetables, breads, South Asian meats, street foods, and more. Blend and layer spices and bring it all together—from the perfect bite to full menus of vibrant flavor.

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Madhur Jaffrey

7x James Beard Award winner Madhur Jaffrey teaches you 30 authentic recipes and shares India’s vast culinary traditions and techniques.

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