
Be in the Moment

George Stephanopoulos

Lesson time 10:06 min

From election drama to natural disasters, there are some situations for which one cannot be fully prepared. George teaches how to respond to intense or tragic situations intelligently and constructively for maximum effectiveness.

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Topics include: Be In The Moment * Trusting Your Instinct * Case Study: Being Observant and Alert * Running on Adrenaline * Points To Remember


[DRAMATIC MUSIC] - I think the most important thing about communicating in any situation, particularly difficult ones, particularly ones where you may be surprised by a crisis, is making sure you're there with your whole being. You're there with your mind. You're there with your experience. You're there with your heart, and showing that all at the same time. That's the way to get through a difficult crisis, a difficult situation that may have surprised you. [UPBEAT MUSIC] I've been doing this for a long time now. And there's been so many moments where one minute, you're simply doing your job or you're sitting at home. And the next minute, you're in the chair dealing with a national or international crisis. [GUNSHOTS FIRING] TV ANNOUNCER 1: Shots ringing out on what was a quiet morning at the ball field. - I think of the time where there was a shooting on a Wednesday morning on a congressional softball game that was happening as we were on the air at GMA. It was the kind of event where we had literally 30 seconds notice. And we stayed on for the next eight hours, going through what had happened. And what you learn in those moments, first of all, is the importance of having some storehouse of information that you can draw on. But just as important is, at times like that, to be in the moment, is to make sure that you are bringing the audience along with you through what is something often very difficult to watch. And now, to do that in the right way you have to be very clear about what you know. Never say more than you know. And don't be afraid to tell the audience, this is all we know at this time. We have lots of questions as well. There are all kinds of answers we don't have right now. But here's what we are certain of at this moment. Here's what we know right now. The gunman has been identified as 66-year-old James Hodgkinson from Illinois. Scalise, Republican from Louisiana, is one of six people injured in Wednesday's ambush. He remains in critical condition. So A, it's being in the moment. B, it's being experienced and knowledgeable. And three, and in some ways this is the most important, be a human being. You're seeing something, you're experiencing something the same way your viewers are at that moment. You have to be calm. You have to be contained. You have to be controlled. But you also have to communicate that you know how difficult this is for so many people. And getting that balance right is the key to the job. [UPBEAT MUSIC] We are coming on the air right now because Hurricane Michael is taking direct aim at Florida. When big stories break like that and you're just on point and you've been surprised by them, this is where instinct and energy and adrenaline and emotion take over. It's the moments you prepare for. That's where you bring all of your experience as a journalist, as a father, as a former political aide, as a neighbor. That's where you-- as a...

About the Instructor

Legendary interviewer and broadcaster George Stephanopoulos has navigated challenging interviews for more than 30 years—as former White House communications director and presently as co-anchor of Good Morning America. Now he’s teaching you how to project confidence under pressure and draw the best value from your own professional and personal interactions, becoming a stronger, more intentional communicator.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

George Stephanopoulos

Award-winning interviewer George Stephanopoulos teaches you his techniques for producing authentic, meaningful conversations.

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