
Tactical Empathy

Chris Voss

Lesson time 09:41 min

Meet your new instructor: former FBI lead international kidnapping negotiator Chris Voss. While many believe that negotiation is a battle, Chris sees successful negotiation as a collaboration rooted in empathy.

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Topics include: Tactical Empathy


[PHONE DIALING] MAN: Hello. CHRIS: Hi, is this is Billy? MAN: Joe? CHRIS: This is Chris. My name is Chris. Joe's gone now, and I'm going to be talking to you now. MAN: Listen, we'll turn ourselves in if you do what we tell you. NEWSCASTER: The scene unfolding yesterday was like one from a movie. A woman taken hostage in the middle of the day by a criminal claiming to be armed. In situations like this, hostage negotiators are charged with making split second decisions that could mean life or death. JOURNALIST: Negotiators are working around the clock to help secure her release. BROADCASTER: A tense hostage crisis that is now entering its fourth night. REPORTER: The deadline for her execution has passed. NEWSPERSON: With us now to help break down the investigation, retired FBI Special Agent hostage negotiator Christopher Voss. ANNOUNCER: He is former FBI lead international kidnapping negotiator. WOMAN: He is very much informed on these matters. Chris, I wanted to go to you with things I heard in that press conference just moments ago. CHRISTOPHER VOSS: Everything in life is negotiation. Life is a negotiation. The human nature rules that apply to all people, it doesn't matter if you're a terrorist or a businessman. [MUSIC PLAYING] You're in negotiations all day long. If you want somebody to say yes to anything, you're in a negotiation. If somebody is trying to get you to say yes to something, you're in a negotiation. If you say, I want or you think I need, you're in a negotiation. You're probably in three to seven negotiations every single day. The stereotype of negotiation is that it's about being the biggest jerk in the room, that it's who's the loudest, who's the most aggressive, who takes the most at the other person's expense. The stereotype is that I win means you got to lose, and I beat you. That is not the case. Great negotiation is about great collaboration. It's about several people faced with different aspects of the same problem. The adversary is not the person across the table. The adversary is the situation. The person across the table is a counterpart that's struggling with some aspect of the same problem that you are. You work with them and solve that problem together, and you're both better off. In my class, I'm going to give you all of the strategies and tactics that I developed as one of the top hostage negotiators in the world. You're going to learn everything from bargaining to reading body language and speech patterns to the neuroscience that can literally bend people's reality. Most importantly, you're going to learn how to achieve your goals through collaboration and the use of tactical empathy that creates trust-based influence. I'm Chris Voss, and this is my MasterClass. [MUSIC PLAYING] Empathy is becoming completely aware of the other side's perspective, their point of view, their take on things, how they see it, and what they feel. It's no...

About the Instructor

As an FBI hostage negotiator, Chris Voss persuaded terrorists, bank robbers, and kidnappers to see things his way. Now he’s teaching you his field-tested strategies to help you in everyday negotiations, whether you’re aiming to improve your salary, the service you receive, or your relationships. Get stronger communication skills, game-changing insights into human nature, and more of what you want out of life.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Chris Voss

Former FBI lead hostage negotiator Chris Voss teaches you communication skills and strategies to help you get more of what you want every day.

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