
Mock Negotiation: Rival

Chris Voss

Lesson time 08:00 min

The hardest thing to reconcile in a negotiation is opposing views. Chris shows you how to handle competing agendas without alienating the other side.

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Topics include: Mock Negotiation: Rival


[MUSIC PLAYING] - All right, so in this negotiation scenario, we're peers. We're both on a local city council. You are a longtime public servant. You wanted to be in city council ever since you were a teenager. I, on the other hand, and some businessmen who recently sold this business, made a lot of money, decided I want to give back to the community, got myself onto the city council. You, being a longtime public servant, believe in the importance of infrastructure. Roads, bridges, infrastructure. The businessman is into education. I am into education. $50,000 has become available for appropriation. It can't be split. And you and I have to talk about how we're going to vote, whether or not we want a deal for your infrastructure projects, or my education projects. Any questions? - No. - All right. So Pam, we got a challenge in front of us. $50,000, a lot of money. - Right, we could use it. - It could do a lot of good. - Mm-hm. - I know that I seem like some Johnny-come-lately do-gooder who doesn't know anything about government. I was out busy running round in the private sector, probably ripping people off, making my millions. And after I sheared people and did all this stuff that they do in the private sector, and I cashed out, here I am, trying to tell everybody else how to live their life. Seems pretty ridiculous, doesn't it? - Yeah. Actually, yeah. It does. - And I show up late, and you've been dedicated to this your whole life. And I'm trying to tell you what to do, and I'm trying to tell you how to run the world. And I just got here, I'm an intruder, I'm an invader. I don't know what the hell's going on, and I think I want to go run off with this money. - Yeah. Exactly. - So, what do you think? How do we work our way through this? - Well, I think that the city needs to spend $50,000 on infrastructure. Our roads are a disaster. The bridges are coming down. I'm getting phone calls about how people's property values are going down. - So people are worried about the current state of affairs because the government hasn't been doing its job? - Right, yeah. - And now it's time to pick it up, and for government to finally step up and do its job. - Right. - So to throw a Band-Aid on it. - Well, I wouldn't say a Band-Aid. I would say to repair. Repair the roads, repair the bridges. - How does that build our future? - Well, people's property values are going down. If we can get more people to come here, property values go up, property taxes go up. And then we can get more income. If property taxes go up. The roads are neglected, OK? - So we're looking for a solution that actually sort of continues to reinvest upon itself. Because you said it's important that we find a way to help bring property taxes, or bring in more income for the city. - Right. And so we're trying to bring more value to the city, and we got to decide where that value is. - Rig...

About the Instructor

As an FBI hostage negotiator, Chris Voss persuaded terrorists, bank robbers, and kidnappers to see things his way. Now he’s teaching you his field-tested strategies to help you in everyday negotiations, whether you’re aiming to improve your salary, the service you receive, or your relationships. Get stronger communication skills, game-changing insights into human nature, and more of what you want out of life.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Chris Voss

Former FBI lead hostage negotiator Chris Voss teaches you communication skills and strategies to help you get more of what you want every day.

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