Arts & Entertainment, Business

How to Use Humor to Leave Your Mark

Kevin Hart

Lesson time 59:41 min

Kevin Hart tells the story of how he became a success in life through the power of comedy. Using humor all the way, he went from struggling open mic comic to a media mogul responsible for a variety of business ventures.

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Topics include: Discovering the Power of Humor, Iron Sharpens Iron, Being Honest Is Funny, Everything Has a Beginning, Middle, and End, Owning the Room With Humor, Reading the Room, Using Humility and Self-Deprecation to Your Advantage, Using Gestures and Varying Up Your Voice, Kevin’s Wake-Up Call, Finding and Developing Your Ambition, Facing Fear, Planting the Idea Seed, Leading With Humor, Accountability Begins and Ends With You

Kevin Hart

Using Humor to Make Your Mark

Comedy icon Kevin Hart teaches you how to use humor as a tool for success. If you can find laughter everywhere, you can be confident anywhere.

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About the Instructor

Kevin Hart never thought he’d be a big star. Growing up on the mean streets of Philadelphia, he just wanted to be the neighborhood kid who made everyone laugh. Here, Kevin teaches you how to use comedy to find success in all aspects of life. Learn how laughter can be a guiding light through your relationships and career, helping you overcome obstacles on the way to living your best life.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Kevin Hart

Comedy icon Kevin Hart teaches you how to use humor as a tool for success. If you can find laughter everywhere, you can be confident anywhere.

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