Design & Style, Arts & Entertainment

Finding Your Audience Online

Tyler Mitchell

Lesson time 04:46 min

Finding a creative community online was crucial to Tyler’s early success. He shares advice on how to harness the internet to get feedback, showcase your portfolio, and get your work published.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] I was raised, you know, I think in the age of people finally sharing a lot of imagery that they had made online. That was very crucial for me, personally, in my journey as an artist. And I think it was important to both take an inspiration from websites like Tumblr, but it was also important to share it through social media platforms. And I think that was both a great way for me personally, as someone who didn't have necessarily an artistic program to critique my work, but I was able to put it out there online and get critique back. I was able to upload stuff and see how people responded and see how people reacted, what people liked, what they didn't like, and that was really important for me and my journey. So yeah, I think the internet is good for that in terms of like sharing work and getting feedback. I mean, as a photographer today, the most important thing to do is to continue making pictures and to share them online. And I think, you know, Instagram right now is so ubiquitous and pervasive throughout our culture. But as a photographer, it's an amazing way to get feedback on the stuff you're making and to see what's working for people, what's not, and what you want to change, what you don't want to change. And it can be an amazing-- it can be kind of an amazing forum for conversation around your work. For a photographer, having your work, you know, uploaded to a platform like Instagram is the essential way, you know, to showcase your portfolio. It's kind of where you showcase your voice. It's where you showcase your vision. And it's when people see all of your work uploaded up there, that's how they get an idea of who you are. That's the not only the easiest, but I think the most efficient way to communicate as a photographer. Of course, there are other ways. And Instagram doesn't have to be the end all be all for sharing your work. But platforms like that today really help photographers get themselves out there and see what's working and what's not working. Having a website is pretty critical, I think, as a photographer. I mean, obviously we've talked about the importance of Instagram and other just social media platforms. But I think the more touchpoints people can have to look at your pictures, to understand your voice are important. So a website, if you can have one, is a good thing. Getting your work published is about reaching out and more reaching out. It's about emailing people, cold emailing folks that you respect. It's about sharing the work. And if you don't share the work, then it can't be published. I think the important part is to just continue to keep people updated with what you're doing and to reach out and reach out more. In terms of like building an audience or kind of creating a community around yourself with your photos, again, that'll come through the stories you're telling. People who like the stories you're telling, people who like what you're photographing will na...

About the Instructor

A revolutionary talent, Tyler Mitchell made history as the first Black photographer to shoot an American Vogue cover, work that is part of the Smithsonian’s permanent collection. Now he’s sharing his process with you. Discover how to create and compose striking portraits, work with natural light and shadow, and tell a compelling story through your photos—even if the only equipment you have is your phone.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Tyler Mitchell

History-making photographer Tyler Mitchell teaches you his artistic process for creating compelling images with any kind of camera.

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