Arts & Entertainment, Music


Tom Morello

Lesson time 02:34 min

Tom wraps up his class with a few parting words and an artistic challenge to you: “Envision something that goes beyond what anybody’s imagined before—” and never stop pushing.

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If only I had $1 for every time someone said to me, shut up and play guitar. Stop mixing politics with music. And what I always respond is when I picked up a guitar, I didn't put down my First Amendment rights. I don't think it's important to combine activism and music. It is for me. What is important is to combine what you believe in and the music that you make. Make sure there's not a firewall between who you are, what you believe in, and what you do in your art. There's a extra hot place in hell for artists who have convictions and who stifle them for commercial gain. For me, it's always been damn the torpedoes. This is who I am. This is what I believe in. I can't help myself but let that leak its way into-- pour its way into what I do as a guitarist and as a songwriter. So I'm not encouraging you to be political in your songwriting. What I'm encouraging you to be is honest in your songwriting. And whatever it is that you care about, write about that. But an important part of the human experience is the struggle for a more decent and just planet. An important part of human experience is love, is romance, is sizzurp. But don't-- you can write about-- if that's important to you, then by all means write about it, because I want to hear your authentic story. Right now you're a guitar player, and you don't know what your potential is. So find out. You might be the one to think of things that none of us have ever thought up before. You can use the building blocks that some others have given you. But the future, as my man Joe Strummer said on my favorite rock and roll T-shirt of all time, the future is unwritten. The future's unwritten. There's no telling what it can be. You're the one that can write it. You can stand on the sidelines with your art, with your politics, or you can envision something that goes beyond what anybody's imagined before as an artist or in creating a better world. It's entirely 100% up to you. [MUSIC PLAYING]

About the Instructor

Tom Morello is a two-time Grammy winner and one of Rolling Stone’s "greatest guitarists of all time." In his first online guitar class, the co-founder of Rage Against the Machine will teach you the riffs, rhythms, and solos that launched his career and sent his music to the top of the charts. Tom will share his approach to making music that challenges the status quo and teach you how to create your own musical style.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Tom Morello

In 26 lessons, Grammy-winning musician Tom Morello will teach you the guitar techniques, rhythms, and riffs that define his signature style.

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