Arts & Entertainment, Music, Science & Tech

How to Persevere


Lesson time 08:04 min

Tim believes resilience and dedication are critical for success. As he concludes his MasterClass, he reveals what drives him and how you can keep focused on your inspiration and goals.

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Topics include: Connect With One Person • Don't Get Distracted • Stay Focused on Your Craft • Keep Your Love for Music Alive


How do you get heard? How do you get known? Ambition, persistence, hard work, dedication, never giving up, that's how you get known. Always sticking to it. If it's good, it'll manifest itself. If it's not, hey, you gave it your all. I can't tell everybody this, say, I'm going to be a music producer, you're going to be a music producer. That's not going to happen. It's all about your perseverance, your strive to be better than what you are yesterday, always trying to be a better you, always trying to better yourself, always trying to figure out what you're doing wrong, taking criticism, you know, what you don't-- like, there's going to be hard days when, you know, you want to give up. I still had those days, you know? But you can't give up because it's what you love. [MUSIC PLAYING] My first success was, I think, "If Your Girl Only Knew," Aaliyah. And I just wanted my music to be heard. I don't know what it took to get there. I was a young kid that was, like, I just wanted my music to be heard. And I was so blessed that Aaliyah loved my sound, loved me and Missy, what we was doing. And when they called and told us, I remember Berry, her manager, her record label, said, congratulations. You got your first number one. I'm like, what? You know? You smiling, but it's still-- I don't know nothing about the business. I don't know it was-- wow, people liked my music. Yes. That's all I wanted. You know, saying have some money to help my mom or help my dad, you know? But this lease, but that wasn't the drive. It was the drive to make the people say, wow. You know, it really wasn't a drive. It was I wanted people to hear my music, you know? Then, as they heard it, this would kind of like made me be like, wait a minute. A girl said to me, you got the dope beats, out of nowhere, in a mall. You know? Random. OK. It's Jay-Z on it. That's Jay-Z. She looked past Jay-Z to tell me my beats were dope. So that means my music has touched her, along with Jay and whoever artist was on the music. But she identified my music, my template. Moving that one particular person was more than money or number one on the charts because I was moved doing it, and I know I wanted people to be moved. And when she was-- when she told me that, it's-- I knew there was millions of other people out there that might feel the same way. But I needed that one voice. So that was a moment that said, thank you, God, for the gift. [MUSIC PLAYING] To be honest with you, I'm a type of guy, you know, at one point, I didn't spend nothing, which I'm like that now. Like, I don't spend nothing. I just want to spend it on music stuff, music equipment, new stuff, new ideas. And, you know, you got to be careful because once the fame come, you want to try things. And it's nothing you can do because it going to hit you in a different form. I'm telling you how it hit me. You know, you get hot. You start feeling yourself. So now you neglect what got you hot, and that's mu...

About the Instructor

Grammy-winning music producer Timbaland takes you behind the boards to teach you his process for creating iconic tracks with artists like Jay-Z, Missy Elliott, Justin Timberlake, Beyoncé, and Aaliyah. In his first-ever online class, learn how to collaborate with vocalists, layer new tracks, and create hooks that stick. Step into Timbaland’s studio and learn from one of the industry’s most innovative hit makers.

Featured MasterClass Instructor


Step inside the production studio with Timbaland. In his first-ever online class, Tim teaches his process for creating infectious beats and making sonic magic.

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