Food, Home & Lifestyle


Thomas Keller

Lesson time 06:07 min

Eat up! Chef Keller concludes his MasterClass by showcasing techniques for slicing your desserts, and he offers some final words of advice.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] - I don't know where to begin. Do I want eat my chocolate pot de creme, my apple pie, or my lemon tart? Why don't we just eat them all? I'm going to cut my lemon tart first. And I've got some hot water here, which really helps slice through the zabaione. Remember, there's that butter in there. Or we could just also use a blowtorch to heat up our knife. This works really well. Remember, once you make that first slice, you're going to have to clean your knife again, heat it up, and go one more time, so right in the center, straight down all the way through. Look at that. This gives you just a perfect slice. Look at that. Beautiful, beautiful. Hmm. I don't know if you can see that but just how lovely that and tender that zabaione is. Our apple pie-- want to use a serrated knife with our apple pie, because I want to kind of cut through the lattice, okay? We're just slicing through the lattice. And when I use a serrated knife, it's always like a saw, okay. There's just sawing back and forth. Once I get through, I can take the tip down to the bottom of the pie pan. I can feel it-- come up the side. And then just to make sure-- we got that all the way. But offset spatula for this one again. Look at that. Like, mom's apple pie. So some key things to remember just to summarize here-- pot de creme, important thing, cooking our custard 85 degrees Celsius. Take it off that back of that wooden spoon till it really coats the wooden spoon, aerating the chocolate to give it a little bit of aeration, make it a little bit lighter, those are some key elements for that. Our crust, our pine nut crust, making sure that we pulse our pine nuts but not too much so that the oil starts to come out of them and then add our dry ingredients and then continue to pulse that until it gets to kind of a sandy texture making sure that we push in that crust into the pie tin and the edges be similar, as you can see, to the bottom-- the thickness of that. That's really important Apple pie-- I think one of the key things here is working with cold, cold, cold, cold, cold ingredients. Your lard, your butter, your water, your vinegar should all be chilled and then working as quickly as you can, understanding that it's okay to leave little pea-sized pieces of that fat in there. And then one element that I wanted to bring up, which works in a lot of different pies, anything that you're going to have a lot of moisture in. It could be cherry. It could be apricot. It could be peach-- could be pear. Now, the addition of corn starch at the end is going to help set your filling, so when you cut it, it's a perfect texture. Here we are, our three beautiful desserts. Let me see if I can tell you which one I like the best. Uh. Mm. The intensity of that chocolate is fabulous. This is something my staff at Bouchon will tell you I order probably 75% of the time when I have dessert-- op. Mm. That delicate zabaione, which is so unique in a lemon tart...

About the Instructor

In his third MasterClass, Chef Thomas Keller focuses on preparing fresh seafood like lobster and salmon, making classic desserts such as apple pie and lemon tart, and showing how sous vide cooking can be done at home to enhance flavor and texture. Whether you’re a beginning or advanced cook, you’ll learn the techniques and principles that will give you the understanding and skills to get the most delicious results.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Thomas Keller

Chef Thomas Keller’s third MasterClass is devoted to preparing seafood, sous vide cooking, and making classic desserts.

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