Design & Style

Playing With Prints and Textures

Tan France

Lesson time 09:50 min

Tan discusses prints and textures, mixing and matching, and playing with the classics.

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Topics include: Add Some Prints or Patterns to Your Look • Mix Your Prints • Be (a little) Bold: Try a Different Fabric • Play With Mixing Texture • Try a Classic: Leather and Suede


[00:00:00.00] [MUSIC PLAYING] [00:00:07.47] - American men, I have a message for you. Plaid is not your only option for a print. Move on. [00:00:13.81] FEMALE SPEAKER: I'm surprised that you pulled the plaid-- [00:00:15.42] TAN FRANCE: You look wonderful in your plaid. [00:00:17.09] [00:00:20.73] But there are other options, too. [00:00:21.72] [MUSIC PLAYING] [00:00:29.03] There is so much value in adding a print or a pattern into your look. It's the easiest way of making it seem like you've put real thought into your look, of elevating what you're wearing. The easiest way to incorporate print into your current wardrobe and to ease your way in is by finding a print that you can put under something. [00:00:47.33] Ordinarily, one would assume, well, you're wearing a suit, you'd wear a plain shirt underneath. If I weren't comfortable with print, I would put a printed shirt under my suit to hide away a lot of the print, and I'm just showing a kiss of it. If I'm feeling a lot more bold, I would take off the jacket and mostly show my print. [00:01:03.56] So there's a way of incorporating print that can be done in a subtle way. Also, if you don't want to put it under a jacket, that still feels a little too much for you, maybe try in the likes of a sock, in a bag, a handbag that you're using, in a scarf that you're using. Just add one element of a print or a pattern that's going to add a point of interest to your look. [00:01:23.06] Prints are so personal to a person. Just because I love a print doesn't mean everyone's going to love it. It's not the same as a solid. It's not the same as a neutral, which is to say that most neutrals are universally appealing. [00:01:36.32] Most colors, you can find a shade within that color that is universally appealing. Sometimes, that's not the case with a print. Don't be so disheartened if not everyone loves your print. As long as you know that it's a print that makes sense for you, and that makes you feel good, go with that print. [00:01:50.53] [MUSIC PLAYING] [00:01:57.08] A lot of people think that you can't mix prints. You can. You can maybe go too bold. I want to show you how to simplify it and make it very much manageable for you. [00:02:07.04] There are certain prints that are classic, that are simple, and these are your foundation prints-- a stripe, a polka dot, an animal print, and a floral. I'm wearing this myself. This is a very toned down version. You can go a lot more extreme with your floral. But still, it's a classic print. [00:02:26.13] Now that you're aware of your classic prints, you can then layer on other prints, and I want to show you how. We're going to take a stripe t-shirt, a simple print, and then I'm going to work in a geo print. A geo print is a geometric print that repeats over and over again. It's a more contemporary print. And so I'm going to take this shirt, layer it over the stripe, and that's a way you can mix your prints. [00:02:56.41] One more example-- you ...

About the Instructor

Beloved style icon and Queer Eye cohost Tan France has styled thousands of people on and off camera over the past 20 years. Now he’s sharing his comprehensive and transformational approach to developing your own personal style. Learn how to build a capsule wardrobe; select colors, shapes, and patterns that work for your body and your unique personality; and discover the confidence to look and feel your best, every day.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Tan France

Queer Eye cohost Tan France breaks down the principles of great style, from building a capsule wardrobe to looking pulled together every day.

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