
Mother Sauce: Scallion Dipping Sauce

Roy Choi

Lesson time 07:40 min

Roy teaches you how to make his “sauce that goes with everything.”

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Topics include: Mother Sauce Scallion Dipping Sauce


ANNOUNCER: Warning this class contains some bad language. [MUSIC PLAYING] ROY CHOI: It's time for another mother sauce. I'm teaching you how to make scallion dipping sauce, a delicious, versatile sauce that goes great with anything including the mung bean pancakes and dumpling recipes we'll be making later in this class. So this is called dipping sauce but don't let the name fool you. It's not just for dipping. This sauce is so simple to make, it's so delicious to have, and it's just literally, like, a secret weapon within your arsenal. I mean, I want you to have all four mother sources within your pantry and within your repertoire, but if I was to choose one and, like, if you said I could only make one, I would say it would be this one, the dipping sauce. One, because the process is easy but it's something that can be used on its own, something as a condiment, as a glaze, as a sauce, as a vinaigrette, whatever the case may be. But I'll show you how simple it is to make. You're going to start with Korean red chili flake called gochugaru. You can't really replace this item with like cayenne or ancho. It's kind of like you need this or just don't even put it, OK. Rice wine vinegar, sesame oil, roasted sesame seeds, chili powder, scallions, sugar, soy sauce. It's all you need. So before I put everything in the bowl, I just want to show you real quick how to cut scallions. So to cut scallions, you can go straight down like this, and just like with any knife skill, you want to use your opposite hand as the guide. Grab the knife-- so the knife is built for you to be able to grab it, you know, like any utensil, but it's specifically built to fit in your hand if you're holding it properly. So you want to kind of put here, get your second finger up into the crevice here, hold the back spine part of the handle into your palm, and kind of grip it like you are maybe-- kind of like a pin a little bit. But you don't want to, like, hold it too tight. You want to make sure it doesn't fall out of your hand, but you want to give it a little bit of leeway so that you have mobility. And then so you can just go straight down. And this is a recipe where you can flex a little bit your knife skills about how thin you can go, and you'll get better and better throughout time in your life. So you can do just a straight, thin, round cut like that. But you can also do what's called on a bias. What you want to do with that is basically the same cut. What you want to put your angle at-- your knife at a 45-degree angle and-- My non-chopping hand is a guide. It's basically leading my knife down the scallion, and my knife is resting up against my middle knuckle right now. OK. And going back to my equipment section, if you ain't got a knife, just go like this. And that's when you can call your food rustic. A lot of times you'll see in recipes use the green part only or the white part only. In cilantro, you'll see, o...

About the Instructor

Roy Choi wasn’t trying to start a revolution when he took tacos, kimchi, and more to the Los Angeles streets with the Kogi BBQ taco truck. He just wanted to make what he loved and knew by heart: immigrant-influenced all-American food. Now he’s teaching you his recipes, sauces, and techniques. Learn how to cook with your instincts using equipment you already have—and start adding your own twist to tried-and-true favorites.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Roy Choi

Food truck “godfather” Roy Choi teaches you his signature recipes and mother sauces—then empowers you to make them your own.

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