Arts & Entertainment


Ron Howard

Lesson time 02:37 min

You know Ron Howard as an Oscar–winning director, a producer, an actor, and one of Hollywood’s great storytellers. Now, he’s your instructor. Meet Ron and learn why the director is the ultimate “keeper of the story.”

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Those things that you sometimes fear actually can wind up being the forces that push you to higher creative plane. We all want the same thing. A great moment, great scene, great movie. This is what it takes, right? And action. I began acting as a child. I grew up in this environment. Almost by osmosis, I began to understand what that creative problem-solving was like. What was it about? And yet, I also grew up watching TV shows that I loved, cartoons that I thought were hilarious, movies that transported me. And it wasn't until I actually began falling in love with the idea of maybe being the decision-maker, maybe being the director, and I started making Super 8 movies that I realized, it wasn't about the crew around you. It wasn't about the sets that were being built. It was about what you captured inside the frame lines. Because ultimately, all of this work comes back to the story. We all have to be telling the story in every single department. And who is the keeper of the story? Well, ultimately, it's the director. I'm Ron Howard, and this is my MasterClass. Let's get to it.

About the Instructor

Ron Howard made his first film in 15 days with $300,000. Today, his movies have grossed over $1.8 billion. In his first-ever online directing class, the Oscar-winning director of Apollo 13 and A Beautiful Mind decodes his craft like never before. In lessons and on-set workshops, you’ll learn how to evaluate ideas, work with actors, block scenes, and bring your vision to the screen whether it’s a laptop or an IMAX theater.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Ron Howard

Ron Howard teaches directing, editing, and storytelling in his exclusive video lessons.

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