Arts & Entertainment, Home & Lifestyle

Coin Magic

Penn & Teller

Lesson time 18:52 min

Coin magic involves the principles of sound misdirection, sleight of hand, and palming. In this chapter, Penn & Teller teach various coin magic tricks that delight audiences of all ages.

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Topics include: Trick: The Disappearing Glass


- We're going to teach you a little bit of coin magic. Now coin magic, Teller used to do the miser's dream on the street all the time. It's called the miser's dream, because a miser might dream of having a lot of money. And they did this on the streets for years. And there's a version in our show he does right now with the miser's his dream. It's the best work that we do. Coin magic often uses sound as misdirection. You hear the sound of the coins going into the bucket. We'll teach you how to use a little bit of sound misdirection while we talk about coin magic. - The basic method behind this is very, very clever. It uses sound misdirection. What you know as a human being is that if I take a coin and toss it into the bucket, It's. Going to make a sound. But I didn't really toss it into the bucket. I only pretended to toss it into the bucket, while I have a whole bunch of other coins waiting. So each time I pretend to toss it in-- let's do this, like that-- I have a coin hidden here in my hand. And now I can pretend to pull it from some other place, bang. Or from some other place, bang. Or I can take Penn's glasses and go click, click. And in that way, you believe that I have an unlimited supply of wealth, but I don't really. [MUSIC PLAYING] - With the French Drop, you're not just stuck with using balls, you can also use coins. A lot of coin tricks use the French Drop. It slightly different on the French Drop, because you're not, of course, rolling it down. You're just kind of dropping it flat in your hand. But you can do a the whole routine, like this. Once you get used to using the coin, is you take the coin like this, and then put this coin on the table. And then-- hear it? Went right through there, just like that. You just keep doing that. Now, there's two coins underneath the table. Same thing again. Take it like that, underneath the table, and you can hear it right away. Now the hard thing is-- and you can't use the French Drop for this, this is a whole different move, to do both of them at once and to keep them isolated with a glass. There's no French Drop, because you can't use your hands here. But you can see them right there. You want to make it so that it's all but invisibly. Now, watch this carefully. He's going to try to make both coins go through the table at once. You'll hear them hit the floor, listen. OK, they didn't go through. You're supposed to get them to go through. Maybe you have to hit it harder. There right there. Now, the glass went through the table. And we can teach you that. - I didn't see that coming. . - We can teach you that. The first part the routine uses your French Drop. And remember, your French Drop, first do it for real. Put the coin from one hand to the other. - So you got one on the-- - Same thing, same feel-- do it for real first. - Yeah. - Yeah. Now, this time-- - I like the coin better. - The same way you dropped it before, except it will...

About the Instructor

With more than 40 years performing together, Penn & Teller have sold out shows around the world, earned a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame, and created the longest-running headline act in Las Vegas. Now the legendary magicians are taking you behind the curtain. Learn fundamental magic tricks and the psychological tools that create amazement, at home or on stage. Expand your perception of the possible.

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Penn & Teller

In their first-ever MasterClass, Teller breaks his silence as he and Penn teach their approach to creating moments of wonder and astonishment.

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