Food, Home & Lifestyle

Owan: Soup With Bone Broth

Niki Nakayama

Lesson time 17:39 min

Learn how to create a delicious soup with no-waste cooking techniques. Niki shares her secrets for a perfect broth, as well as how to plate a bowl of soup.

Students give MasterClass an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

Topics include: Elements of Flavor · Straining · Seasoning


[MUSIC PLAYING] - For this demo, we'll be doing the owan course, which is the soup course, of our menu. And we're going to show you how to put it together. As a part of what we were trying to express earlier on about the concept of no-waste cooking, we're going to use the leftover bone that we have. We're going to go ahead and blanch it once with hot water. What we do is we'll blanch the bones because it helps take away any impurities, if are any leftover blood or things that we don't want. And it also helps keep the soup clear. So we'll go ahead and ladle this hot water over it. And we want to make sure that we get both sides, that way we can really keep the soup nice and clean. So from here, we're going to go ahead and put it into our bowl. But before that, we're going to slice some onions as well. Thank you. And this is our dashi that we extracted earlier. I'm just going to make sure it fits into the pot. And put them in there. So of course, as with anything having to do with fish, we always recommend that you keep everything refrigerated before use. Making sure that you store it in the right temperature will really, really protect the integrity of the product that you're using. So would you like to ladle that in. - Yes - And notice how the dashi is so beautiful and golden. And one of the things that we talk about with Japanese cuisine is the ingredients we introduce together, they really contribute to one another. It's not solely a dashi that just enhances the fish. The fish bones will add flavor. And it ill create a completely new flavor profile to this dish that is different from just the dashi, itself. So you'll see that, even throughout the courses, there are things that are similar. But you'd be so surprised that they taste so different from one another. So we're going to go ahead and simmer this. And the important thing is that we simmer it on a very low heat to keep it from clouting. And we'll skim the impurities along the way. And we just want to get it to simmer for about 40 minutes or so because we want to cook the onions and have the nice flavor of the onions come through and have the sweetness also add to this amazing soup. So as you'll notice with the soup, a little bit of oil will start to form from the bones because this particular rockfish has a really nice amount of oilyness to it. So those natural oils or start will start to form. And it'll create a more viscus type of soup. The gelatinous features will start to break down just a little bit, not too much. And then you'll also notice that the onions will start to get translucent as it cooks. And that's what we're looking for. We want it to get to the point where it's translucent and ready so that we can strain it. And the whole time when we're simmering, we want to pay attention and make sure that we skim off impurities, should you see, because sometimes the meat will fall off or things like that. We will strain it one more time. But just,...

About the Instructor

The chef and owner of two-Michelin-starred restaurant n/naka in Los Angeles, Niki Nakayama is celebrated for her modern interpretation of kaiseki, a traditional Japanese cuisine. With her partner and sous chef, Carole, Niki will teach you techniques for preparing sashimi, tempura, perfect rice, and more. Learn how to make dishes that honor fresh ingredients as Niki shows you how to cook with care and gratitude.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Niki Nakayama

Niki Nakayama of two-Michelin-starred n/naka teaches you how to honor fresh ingredients with her innovative take on Japanese home cooking techniques.

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