
Navigating Change With Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty

Lesson time 01:18:59 min

Change is hard. But learning to navigate life’s ups and downs is essential to finding balance. Podcast host Jay Shetty, along with renowned experts, teaches you how to handle change to reach the transformation that’s on the other side.

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Topics include: Why Change Is Difficult How to Make Better Decisions How to Overcome Uncertainty How to Strengthen Resilience A Meditation for Navigating Change

Jay Shetty

Navigating Change

World renowned author and award winning podcast host Jay Shetty blends ancient wisdom with modern science to help you navigate life’s only constant: change.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] - How many of you right now are thinking about a career change? Maybe you hate your job and you're thinking, I don't want to do that anymore. I want to do something else. How many of you right now are thinking maybe you need to change home, or maybe you're thinking about moving country? I'm guessing there's a fair few of you. Or maybe there's a change that you want to choose in living with a new roommate, or maybe living alone for the first time, or getting married. For so many people, the question keeps repeating is where I am right now, where I want to be, and who I want to be. We think, can I truly be happy? Can I change my life? We're scared about what that might take and whether it's even possible for us. And that keeps us in this prison. The feeling that you so desperately want-- that feeling of fulfillment, that feeling of joy-- all comes after change. In my own life, while at Cass Business School, all of my friends were going off to get great jobs, and I was just trying to remain aligned with what's truly important to me-- using my gifts in the service of others. And that was a real struggle. So I chose to turn down jobs in the corporate world to go and live as a monk in India. I was blown away by ideas, tools, habits that could actually benefit and help so many people. I started to present and share the idea as I was learning from the monks, and I remember a friend of mine saying to me, Jay, imagine you could share what you do with more people. - Jay Shetty's podcast, "On Purpose," is the number one health and wellness podcast. JAY SHETTY: Making that change helped me break through the limits that I've placed on myself-- Such a pleasure. - Good to see you. - Thank you for this honor. --and is actually the reason for why I'm sitting in front of you today. And in this class, I'm going to show you how to navigate life's inevitable change, whether it's the change you choose or the change that chooses you. Big life changes like losing someone you love, getting married, getting divorced, moving in, moving out, or maybe even moving country. Through combining ancient wisdom, modern science, and practical application, I'm going to show you how you can go from where you are right now to where you truly want to be. I'm Jay Shetty, bestselling author, podcast host of "On Purpose," and former monk, and this is "Navigating Change" by MasterClass. [MUSIC PLAYING] I think we all have a hard time navigating change, because we struggle to embrace and accept it. Our natural reaction, first of all, is to try and avoid it, dodge it at all costs. We don't want to face change. We're holding on to things staying the same. We want it to be just like it is right now. Or the other thing is, we can see it's happening. We can see that we're having to go through it, and we're resisting it. We're not ready to go with the flow. We're not ready to make the chan...

About the Instructor

World renowned author and award winning podcast host Jay Shetty has brought ancient wisdom to more than 25 million fans. Jay is a lifelong student of change and your guide to navigating it successfully. Along with renowned experts Katy Milkman, Maya Shankar, and David Kessler, Jay will teach you practices and methods you can use when change is difficult and overwhelming. You’ll learn how to navigate change more successfully, embrace uncertainty, and improve your life.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Jay Shetty

World renowned author and award winning podcast host Jay Shetty blends ancient wisdom with modern science to help you navigate life’s only constant: change.

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