Business, Design & Style
Planning the Perfect Fashion Show
Lesson time 12:06 min
Go behind the runway to learn what it takes to pull off a successful show. Learn how to ideate and plan, including how to cast the right models for your collection, select appropriate music, and decide who to invite (and where to seat them).
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Topics include: Planning the Perfect Fashion Show Cast Models Who Tell Your Story Set the Stage for Your Designs Get Inspired by Experts Curate the Guest List
Teach Creative Collaboration and Fashion
Fashion luminaries and Oscar de la Renta creative directors Laura Kim and Fernando Garcia teach you how to bring ideas to life through collaboration.
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[MUSIC PLAYING] - For our first Monse show, I wasn't planning to have a show, but Fernando really wanted a show. And he kept meeting up with people. I'm like, Fernando, why are you meeting up with all these people? He's like, I want a show. I'm like, I told you we don't have a budget for the show. And he just wouldn't stop. And he actually put a show together with very little money. We had to ask everyone. We showed them the sketches and ideas to get them inspired and excited. And asked for a big discount. And say, like, oh, we're going to be big in three years. And everyone came on board. So we had a cute little show with very little money. - There's many answers to a question of, what is the point of a runway show? From a sales perspective, you know, you're creating content of how you market your brand and sell your product. But, you know, selfishly, from an artist's perspective, a designer's perspective, I have the ability to create a story through the clothes that we show, and the girls that we cast, and the music that we play depending on a mood that I'm in during the last three to four months. So that, to me, is very rewarding because unlike architects who have to wait for a year or two years more-- - 10 years. - To see something beautiful realized, it's a little bit more fast-paced. We get to live a little movie every three to four months. - It's also creating an experience for our clients to feel what we're trying to express. To feel it through the music, the clothes, the casting, the way we set up the space. And I think it's something really important to sell our clothes. [MUSIC PLAYING] - Casting is a really fun process that I get myself as involved as possible in. Because not only do you have to look for a girl that, when she tries on the clothes, you believe that she is interested in wearing that. That is-- - But they also add a lot to the look too. Like, you know, sometimes we have one model that we see everything on throughout the collection. And then you put it on this girl with, like, dreadlocks, and she has piercings, and we were like, oh my god. Like, it just elevated the look, she looks cool. Or we sometimes throw it on a boy, and it's a girl's outfit. And I'm like, whoa, it looks amazing on guys. It's really eye-opening, the casting part of the job. - It invigorates. It's sort of jolts all of us back to life when we see it on the people that are going to be photographed in your work of art for the rest of history. They are going to be a part of you. So the marriage between the outfit and that person has to be genuine from every angle. When we see our design team, like, our assistants and designers get excited when they see the outfit on that person that they like, we pay attention. And it all boils down to the final lineup. - It really sometimes becomes alive all of a sudden. - Us too. - Yeah, we're like, oh, wow, that looks amazing...
About the Instructor
As founders of fashion line MONSE and creative directors at Oscar de la Renta, Laura Kim and Fernando Garcia have transcended their industry with a partnership that’s more than the sum of its parts. Now they’re teaching you their secrets to creative collaboration. Learn to cultivate strong business relationships, navigate the creative process, and join forces with others to improve the workplace—and the work.
Featured MasterClass Instructor
Laura Kim & Fernando Garcia
Fashion luminaries and Oscar de la Renta creative directors Laura Kim and Fernando Garcia teach you how to bring ideas to life through collaboration.
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