Arts & Entertainment, Business, Science & Tech

Advertising Is Everything... and Everything Is Advertising

Jeff Goodby & Rich Silverstein

Lesson time 05:47 min

Advertising is more than billboards and TV ads. With the Tostitos DUI Breathalyzer bag, the gay pride Doritos rainbow bag, and the Cheetos Museum, learn how advertising can break down boundaries.

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Topics include: Case Study: Tostitos • Case Study: Doritos Rainbow Chips • Case Study: Cheetos Museum


[MUSIC PLAYING] - I think the days of "Mad Men" are long gone, OK, and-- - We were never in this business in the days of "Mad Men." - No, we weren't, but-- - I mean, I-- I didn't see it. - Today, brands need to have a social conscience, OK? In fact, we-- we don't demand it, we would like them to have it because we believe it connects to the consumer better. [MUSIC PLAYING] - At one point, one of our planners-- one of our strategists-- said, you know, a bag of Doritos is 99 cents. And nowadays, you can download a song for that much money. You can do-- with 99 cents, you can do a lot of different things. What if we thought of a bag of Doritos as a communication device, like, we talk to people with it? So the first thing we did was sort of first level. We put some messages on the back of the bag that you could scan and it would take you to a concert or something. Remember that? And that was cool. - Right, right. - But then people started thinking way more expansively about what a bag of Doritos could communicate. Like, at one point, we did a project for Tostitos where we actually made their bags into breathalyzers in Houston-- when the Super Bowl was taking place in Houston. - Because, sadly, there was an insight that that was a very heavy day of drinking. - Yeah. [INTERPOSING VOICES] - Not that that was like a real inside piece of information. But-- so we would pass these things out. We passed these bags out in bars and restaurants in Houston. And you could breathe into the bag and it would either go red or green and tell you whether you really should be driving home or not. It was-- it was incredibly great in a PR sense. And, you know, if you found that the thing went red, there was a code on the bag and you could get a free Uber home from the bar. So it was kind of-- - But it was less about a commercial than an-- it was more of an act. - It was more of an act. There was no commercial, really. - And that's what's changing-- - I mean, it got around. - --advertising today. - Yeah. - Advertising is everything and nothing. I mean, it's-- it's-- the rules are off. - Yeah. There are no rules anymore. [MUSIC PLAYING] - With Doritos, we did rainbow chips. And we're talking about a gay pride parade in Texas, OK. And we came up with a product and they had the boldness to say, we're going to do it. And I think that's what changed in advertising-- you're allowed to bring the social commentary into the brand. That's a big deal. Everything we do starts with a strategy. The strategy for this brand is "for the bold," and so it allows the creative people to just keep coming up with bold, bold, bold. - Once we figured out that the Doritos bag could be a communications device and we had this "for the bold" strategy, we could do amazing things with it. And one of the things that we did was we-- we thought, what if they made a multi...

About the Instructor

As the minds behind the “got milk?” campaign, the Budweiser lizards, and countless other ads that have permeated pop culture, Jeff Goodby and Rich Silverstein never stop reimagining the possibilities of advertising. Now they’re sharing how they make the beautiful and edgy work that’s seen by millions. Learn how to come up with great ideas, tell funny and compelling stories, and dazzle at your next pitch or presentation.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Jeff Goodby & Rich Silverstein

Advertising icons Jeff Goodby and Rich Silverstein teach you how to break rules, change minds, and create the best work of your life.

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