Arts & Entertainment, Music


Herbie Hancock

Lesson time 02:28 min

Meet your instructor, legendary pianist and composer Herbie Hancock. For Herbie, music is more than the notes you play. Learn how to open your mind—and ears—to the real story.

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What are we going to study in these master classes? We're going to talk about harmony, we're going to talk about melody. We're going to talk about clusters. We're going to talk about chord voicings, counter rhythms, and looking at one's own ability to develop one's own sound, and the appreciation of a more expansive view of music. I think if you can walk away with that kind of feeling, then I think these lessons will have been a success. I hope that, with this class, you might be able to walk away with a sense of wonder about possibilities of choices of your own. And I hope you walk away excited about trying new things. I can't do it for you. I'm not you. And you don't want to sound like me, you want to sound like you. So it's up to you to really take the ball from here and create the game yourself. I'm Herbie Hancock, and this is my master class.

About the Instructor

Herbie Hancock's jazz career started in his family's living room, listening to his favorite records and trying to play along. Now, he's one of the most celebrated musicians in the world. Join Herbie at the piano as he shares his approach to improvisation, composition, and harmony. Gain access to 10+ original piano transcriptions, including 5 exclusive solo performances.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Herbie Hancock

Learn to improvise, compose, and develop your own sound across 25 video lessons.

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