Arts & Entertainment


Helen Mirren

Lesson time 09:56 min

For Helen, props are an extension of your character. Learn how to use them naturally on camera while also cultivating an awareness of the demands of continuity.

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Topics include: Practice With Your Props Until They're Second Nature • Use Props to Divert You From the Obvious • Props and Continuity


So I've talked about props being such an important marker of your character. It's as much of a marker of your character as your costume is, or your hair, or your makeup. All of those elements come to build the understanding of this character. Now you've chosen your props. You know, I think for this scene I want a nice little posh teacup. Now get to know your props. Now practice with them. Go on the set when the camera is being set up and the lights are being set up, find yourself a quiet little corner, and just keep practicing with your props over and over and over and over and over again until it becomes second nature. Never go on set and find your prop. You know you have to take the top off, you pull it back, and you go oh my god, look, this is wrong. Learn that the lid goes in this way. Learn, you know, learn what the pour is like if you're pouring something out. And incidentally, this is an important thing about props. Just be conscious of the noise of props. Sound, aren't you pleased that I'm saying this, really? Because if you put your cup down in the middle of your speaking, especially in the middle of someone else speaking, you know, there's this awful noise off camera maybe. Not so bad if it's on camera, but even on camera it can be a pain. So just be aware, especially with cups and saucers. They're incredibly noisy things. So be aware of the sound of your props. But above all, learn your props. Practice with them. Especially if you have to serve food or have some complicated prop thing, really, really practice because it will trip you up otherwise. And especially if you're doing television. You know, television moves this in the speed of light. No one's got the time to wait for you to learn how the clasp on your purse works. They don't have the time. So get your purse. You've got to open it. Open it. Close it. Do it over and over again. Learn if it's awkward, if it's terrible. Also if you have to have props, as you often do, inside something, make sure they're always in the same place. I know where my glasses are. I've got to get them out. I will put them where I want them to be, which in the thing. Now I can get them out. I know exactly where they are. So that's important. Also this-- oh, this is bad. Lighters. As night follows day, a lighter will not work on the first go. I have a very good props person on this film. She's made sure that my lighter does work on the first go, but so often it doesn't. Or if it's worked a million times, it suddenly doesn't work. So you get to know your cigarettes. Also-- if it's cigarettes. You know, investigate all the different ways that you can smoke. You know, this tells one story. You know, I love cigarettes. They're such great props. No wonder they were so popular for so long. The best prop...

About the Instructor

In her first-ever online acting class, Academy Award-winning actress Helen Mirren shares the techniques she has learned through the course of her international career that has spanned stage, screen, and television. Her powerful and versatile performances have earned her numerous awards, including the Academy Award in 2007 for her performance in The Queen, a Tony Award in 2015 for her performance in The Audience, and four Emmy Awards.

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Helen Mirren

In 28 lessons, the Oscar, Golden Globe, Tony, and Emmy winner teaches her process for acting on the stage and screen.

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