Arts & Entertainment

Detail and Dimension


Lesson time 20:48 min

Building on his triptych, Futura shows you how to create depth through layering detail elements and adding acrylic paint.

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Topics include: Experiment With Kinetic Action · Layering Acrylic Paint · Creating Depth · Knowing When to Stop · Your Ideas Are Not Set in Stone


- OK. So now that we're here, we're going to continue with more of our detail elements that you're going to land on top of this atmospheric. And we built our canvases up to a certain point where I feel like, OK, the background's good composition. Some shapes are there to kind of keep me organized. And now I want to start to come in and add my bits. So what determines that? And where do I go? To be honest with you, I don't really know. I'm just thinking I need to start somewhere in here. I think this is something that you can feel for yourself. If you're doing something similar like this, just it's like, hey, what do I do, go where you feel. You know, like I said, for me, I've already got it in my head, like OK, I know the elements I'm going to do. For example now I decided, OK, I really like-- you know, never mad at a good crack. So that cracked line, that fragmented line. Even with what I went for, which was this kind of sloppy overspray, that was just because what was happening is, when I began, it started to diminish into nothing, which would have never got me there. So I sort of lifted the can up a bit and allowed all of this to happen to get back to the continuation of that cracked line. [MUSIC PLAYING] So as far as how I physically attack, or you know, get to dancing with the artwork, is that on the floor and in my inverted technique, I'm able to move around the canvas. And that's very helpful because at a certain point, I need to get my body in position to do whatever it is I'm going to do. And more times than not, the shape's over here. The element's there. The element's here. So I need to be fluid and in motion constantly, not just in the application of like, oh, wow, you did that circular arc, but even straight lines, or even just getting into position, i.e. [MUSIC PLAYING] It's a lot of activity in painting this way because you're not static. You're not just holding a brush and doing this. You kind of need to move around a bit. You know, now that I've added a couple of things, I'm saying to myself, OK, well, I think I need a big, strong element now, i.e. another circle. So I'm going to put a big semicircle here. OK. So the semicircle's probably the easiest thing to do because there's actually no restriction. I mean, anyone can do it. And it can be done standing up with the painting on the floor as I've just done. But for me, now that I've done that, I'm like, OK, I need to add some more paint here now because I want to define this big circle that I've just made. And the easiest way to do that is to just paint the top away. So just by following that arc, I use that as my line. And now I'll just paint everything above this circle. Now someone else could have taken the same type of approach and completely wanted to do something different. I always recommend people having an experience with the kinetic action-- I guess it is kinetic-- and just finding something. And once again, even at this ...

About the Instructor

A pioneering painter and street artist, Futura has exhibited at institutions like the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, collaborated with Louis Vuitton and Supreme, and created album art for The Clash. Now he’s teaching you his signature, kinetic approach to abstract art. Learn how to express yourself and paint with color, dimension, and detail. All you need to create art is an idea and a can of spray paint.

Featured MasterClass Instructor


Pioneering abstract graffiti artist, Futura teaches you how to create art with a can of spray paint and an idea.

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