Design & Style, Arts & Entertainment

Designing Your Future: Assignment 3

David Carson

Lesson time 08:58 min

David reviews the last assignment, which allowed participants to break free of any constraints to show what kind of future they imagine for themselves.

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[MUSIC PLAYING] INSTRUCTOR: The first assignment, we looked at, who are you? And then we looked at, how is your life going? And now we're going to look into the future. Where do you want to be 10 years from now? Okay, how many would want this future? - Me. - Yeah, me too. - 1, 2, 3-- all four. Well, that's interesting. Why? JON: It's really optimistic, the use of color and the message. - The texture of the paper sort of like being on top and sort of wrinkled makes it seem like there's room for mistakes. - That's interesting, okay. - And don't take life too seriously, maybe. - Okay. - And you're willing to just keep on keeping on. - Okay. Yeah, it's pretty hard not to focus on the type. You know, it's repeated here. This may have been a bit-- a bit literal. Anybody not want this future? You can trade it for yours. This is guaranteed. Yours is unknown. This is for sure if you pick it. Would you go with that? - No. - No? Why not? - Not for no reason. Just, I want my future. - No, I'm sorry. You have to take this future. They didn't tell you at the beginning of class. What else? Anything besides-- I mean, it's clearly happy. But is there anything else there? HOFI: The sentence "Keep on" makes it seem like they're not happy all the time. - Okay. HOFI: But they're willing to keep on fighting. I wouldn't say it screams happiness. I would say it's a balance. - Good, I would agree. And the black is certainly contributing to that. And-- and so is this, actually. It's not a super happy kind of thing. Yeah, and then I-- and then I think-- and then I think-- I don't know that we get far there. Let's find out. Whose is this? - This is mine. - Okay. How-- how were the comments? - I think that more than it being, like, about me, I sort of made it, you know, to me. I think this is like my take on, like, a little self-help poster. It's like hang in there, but on a different level. But-- - So you took a little more of a-- which-- which, I like that-- kind of a mental evaluation of what might be going on as opposed to in the mountains, or the city, or the river, or something like that. So I like that. And again, none of these can be right or wrong. They're just sending different messages. I will say I think the type could have been a little stronger. It's almost too literal. I get it, and then I-- you kind of move on. So if we were to rework this, I'm feeling it's kind of placed there. And maybe there's-- there are so many interesting shapes and angles. Maybe there's some other way we could explore and make it feel less of kind of tapped on in the middle there. You're free to agree-- or disagree. You're free to agree with me. - No, I think that's a good point. - And I might even say, when you get up close, it says "keeping on." Maybe that's all it needed. This is pretty nice. This feels like it deals with ...

About the Instructor

From Ray Gun and Transworld Skateboarding magazines to surfboards and potato chip bags, David Carson changed the trajectory of graphic design by never following the rules or sticking to the grid. Now the pioneering designer is sharing his intuitive approach so you can send a message with boundary-breaking work. Explore typography, photography, logo design, and more as you learn how to make an impact and trust your gut.

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David Carson

Pioneering graphic designer David Carson teaches you his intuitive approach to creating work that breaks rules and makes an impact.

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