Sports & Gaming

Bonus Material: Online Play

Daniel Negreanu

Lesson time 05:47 min

Daniel analyzes the fundamental differences between online and live poker, and shares advice on how to avoid hurting your earn rate.

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Topics include: Online Is All About the Numbers • Use Data Collection to Track Player Tendencies • Be Cognizant of Burnout


So online poker is still poker, but there's obviously some differences. You know, one of the things you'll see is, if you're, you know, a cash game player who plays live, you might be in situations where you're playing as deep as 500 or 1000 blinds. Well, online, it's pretty uniform, where you're going to be playing 100 big blind stacks. A little more shallow. The games, typically, online are going to be a little more game theory oriented. You're not going to be able to, like, see people and get a read on them. In addition to that, you know, it's going to be a lot more aggressive and conservative. Like, people typically play a tighter, aggressive game. Live games lend themselves a little bit more to a sort of casual atmosphere, but online, it's often, you know, all about the numbers and focusing on game theory. One of the things about online poker that's really convenient is the fact that, you know, you can play multiple tables. The hands go really, really fast. So, you know, boredom doesn't set in quite as much, which lends itself to, like, people saying, you know what? Marginal hand. I'll just fold. Whereas if you're sitting at a live table, sometimes a guy doesn't get a hand to play for an hour. He's bored, and he sees queen nine, and he thinks, you know what? It's worth a shot. That doesn't happen as often online simply because of the speed of play. You're going to see a lot more hands in an hour playing online than you would playing live, especially if you're multi-tabling. Obviously, online poker, there's not as much you can see in terms of getting reads, but there's plenty of things you can look for. One of those things might be timing tells. So in a situation, if you notice that a player, you know, normally takes 10 to 12 seconds to act and all of a sudden act instantly, well, you can bank that away and look for tendencies there. Maybe he's acted innocently, because he's so confident and sure of his hand that he's likely to have a stronger hand. Now, that's not always true. Some players may bluff more often when they bet really quickly. Your job is to sort of file that away. And you can take notes. One of the great things about online poker is you can even color code. You know, you play a hand against the guy, you write in there, called with queen nine offsuit, and then the next time you play with that player, you have that data available to you. One of the great things about online poker as well is you can check hand histories. You know, you can look back at past hands. You can use it as a tool not only to improve your game, but also to pick up on tendencies on your opponents. There's very software available that can help you sort of track, if you will, the tendencies of your opponents. You can figure out, OK, well, when this guy is on the button, he raises 80% of the time. And that's valuable information for you to understand when you play against that player in the future. You have a better idea of what his ran...

About the Instructor

Put yourself across the felt from Daniel Negreanu, the biggest live tournament poker winner of all time. The six-time World Series of Poker champion teaches poker strategy, advanced theory, and practice through hand-reviews of his winning games. Learn how to sharpen your mental game through demos on reading opponents and spotting tells. Join Daniel at the table to increase your win rate, grow your ROI, and get your game “in the money.”

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Daniel Negreanu

Join Daniel at the poker table. Learn his strategies to advance your cash, tournament, and online play.

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