Design & Style, Arts & Entertainment, Business

Getting the Work Done: Anna’s Management Tips

Anna Wintour

Lesson time 09:07 min

Anna walks through the management techniques—including how to build and manage a team, and how to give feedback—that have helped her be an effective leader.

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Topics include: A Good Team Is Everything · Invest in the Right People · Keep the Pace Moving · Micromanaging Will Suffocate Everyone · Discourage “Settling” In · Feedback: Make It Fast and Direct


[MUSIC - ALIBI MUSIC, "AUTUMN ROSE"] ANNA WINTOUR: Being a leader means having a strong vision. Being a leader means understanding and responding to criticism. Being a leader means making the tough decisions and taking full responsibility for them. And being a leader means hiring a great team and always giving them credit. In this chapter, I'm going to talk to you about my leadership style and the management techniques that have worked best for me over the years. You are nothing, nothing, without a good team. So I have always tried to surround myself with people that I enjoy, the people whose opinions I respect, whose minds I respect, whose taste I respect, that isn't always in line with mine, that can do things that I couldn't possibly dream of doing, that also can shock me. I have learned to love a surprise, that however much you might talk to an editor about what a shoot or a piece might be, when it comes in, it could be something completely different. And sometimes that's completely OK. It's great to have a team that stays with you. And you grow together. And you become, like, second nature to each other. I think it helps me think through the bigger picture. It gives me a different point of view. They can point out times of danger. They can say, we're not doing enough of this. Maybe this will be taken the wrong way. I think it's really, really important to have as diverse a group of people in terms of opinion, or backgrounds, age as you possibly can, because it helps inform all the judgments that you make. It helps inform the content that you put out there. And it helps make "Vogue" better. [MUSIC PLAYING - ALIBI MUSIC, "PROMISED WALKS"] It's so important to look for someone who is a self-starter, who you feel can make decisions on your behalf, that is going to be a wonderful ambassador for you and your business. I think it's also important to make sure you find someone who is discreet, who is loyal, who is positive, who is a straight talker, but also is passionate about the world that they are about to enter, not someone who might be seeing it just as a stepping stone to something else. I am always thinking, can this person have a career? If not at "Vogue," can they have a career at Conde-Nast or within the industry? Because of course, they're investing in us, but we're also investing a lot of time in them. [MUSIC - ALIBI MUSIC, "AUTUMN ROSE"] I have a pretty consistent structure for my day that I find works really well for me. I wake up early, between 4:00 and 5:30. I read both the British and the American papers online so I know what's happening. I often play tennis. I eat breakfast consisting of Starbucks. I head to the "Vogue" offices. And I usually arrive between 8:00 and 8:30. I could have meetings with my fashion editors, my features editors, or the digital team. I could be reviewing pictures that are coming from a recent shoot, or reviewing clothes to be photographed for an upcoming cover. I le...

About the Instructor

A fashion and media icon, Anna Wintour has been driving our cultural conversation for more than 30 years. The Vogue Editor-in-Chief and Artistic Director of Condé Nast takes off her signature sunglasses and gives you unprecedented access to her world. See how Anna nurtures talent, makes bold decisions, and evolves a brand. Learn how to lead with impact from a visionary creative leader.

Featured MasterClass Instructor

Anna Wintour

Anna Wintour gives unprecedented access to her world, teaching you how to lead with vision and creativity—and without apology.

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