AllFood & DrinkExplore Global Cuisines & Food CultureFood, Stories, and ConnectionsField Pea Soup and The Real Mac 'N' Cheese
Field Pea Soup and The Real Mac 'N' Cheese
Episode 2 of Food, Stories, and Connections
Learn how tracing the origins of our food can help us find common ground. Tour the gardens at Monticello, where plants that became central to American cooking were cultivated, and make authentic macaroni and cheese with culinary historian Michael W. Twitty.
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Starting at $10/month (billed annually) for all classes and sessions
Field Pea Soup and The Real Mac 'N' Cheese
Episode 2 of Food, Stories, and Connections
Learn how tracing the origins of our food can help us find common ground. Tour the gardens at Monticello, where plants that became central to American cooking were cultivated, and make authentic macaroni and cheese with culinary historian Michael W. Twitty.
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Starting at $10/month (billed annually) for all classes and sessions
Starting at $10/month (billed annually) for all classes and sessions
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