
Unlimited access to 200+ classes from the world's best

    MasterClass Guest Pass

    Sending a Guest Pass
    To send a guest pass please follow the steps below: 
    1. Log into your account via the web at
    2. While logged into your account click the Profile button in the upper right corner
    3. Within the profile menu, click Send a Guest Pass 
    4. A pop up will appear with the option to either enter your recipients email address, or copy the direct link to send another way. If you enter the recipient's address they will receive a guest pass email with the redemption link.
    ​​​​​Once your recipient activates their guest pass, they will have access to MasterClass’s complete library for the duration of the trial period.

    Redeeming a Guest Pass
    Follow the steps below to redeem a Guest Pass:
    1. Open the Guest Pass email and click on the link provided
    2. Once on the MasterClass website click on Claim Guest Pass
    3. Choose a plan and select Continue
    4. Create an account to log in
    5. On the checkout page enter your payment information and select Claim Your Guest Pass Today. You won't be charged until your Guest Pass trial period ends. You can cancel anytime within the trial period to avoid being charged.
    ​​​​Once you complete your activation you will have access to MasterClass’s complete library!

    To learn more you can also review our guest pass Terms of Service