
Unlimited access to 200+ classes from the world's best

    Downloading Classes for Offline Viewing

    Plus and Premium plan members can download classes and lessons using the Android & iOS mobile apps, we do not currently have the option to download content through web.
    đź“ť Not all video lessons are available for offline viewing.

    iOS App
    1. Locate the class or lesson you would like to download and click the cloud icon below each video thumbnail.
    2. To view downloaded video lessons tap My Progress at the bottom of the app navigation menu.
    3. Scroll down to My Downloads and select the video you downloaded.
    4. You should now be able to view the downloaded class offline.
    đź“ť You must be connected to a Wi-Fi network to download video lessons.

    Android App
    1. Locate the class or lesson you would like to download and click the cloud icon below each video thumbnail.
    2. To watch your downloaded video offline tap My Progress
    3. Scroll down to My Downloads and select the video you downloaded.
    đź“ť You may see a black screen when disconnected, in which case, you can follow the prompt to go directly to the My Downloads section.