Unlimited access to 200+ classes from the world's best
Cancelling your subscription renewal
You can cancel your subscription auto-renewal at any time within your account settings. To cancel your subscription you will need to:
- Log into your account through
- Once you are logged in, click on your profile/account menu in the upper right corner, then click Settings. 🗒 If accessing via mobile web browser, please disregard the "Go To The App" button and click on the menu in the top right corner.
- Within your account settings you can click the Cancel Membership button under the Membership section of the page (this is only available if you have a card on file), and you will be guided through the steps to cancel your automatic renewal.
🗒 You must select Cancel Now on the following page to fully cancel your auto renewal.
Once you have completed these steps your account will not renew at the end of your current subscription period. If you have recently purchased for the first time (within 30 days), and do not wish to continue your annual membership, you may be eligible for a refund. Please visit this page.
For in-app subscriptions through Apple or Google Play, cancelations can be managed through their respective App stores in the subscription sections.
🗒 You will continue to have access until the renewal date. Once your subscription is up for renewal your account will be automatically cancelled, and you will no longer have access to any courses that you were enrolled in and/or completed during the duration of the annual membership subscription.