
Unlimited access to 200+ classes from the world's best

    About MasterClass Membership Plans

    MasterClass is the streaming platform where you can learn from the world's best. Members get unlimited access to all 200+ instructors across multiple categories with their annual membership.

    MasterClass annual membership is an auto-renewing subscription product, which ensures that you have continuous and uninterrupted access to MasterClass.

    MasterClass charges your account for renewals using the payment method you provided when you signed up. If you received your annual membership as a gift, or accepted a Guest Pass to try annual membership, your account was charged after your gift subscription or Guest Pass period ended.

    30-day satisfaction guarantee
    If you are not satisfied with your MasterClass membership we will honor a full refund within the first 30-days of your initial purchase that starts your subscription. You can cancel auto-renewal of your subscription in your account settings. For more details on how to request a refund and eligibility requirements for the 30-day refund window, please visit this page.

    Gift subscriptions are pre-purchases of a subscription to a MasterClass annual membership. They are issued by, and represents a legal obligation solely of, Yanka Industries Gifting, LLC. If your gift was purchased within the last 30 days and is not yet redeemed for a subscription, please visit this page for more information about requesting a refund.
    🗒️ All MasterClass gifts have an expiration date of one year from initial purchase unless otherwise stated. 
    🗒️ Gift recipients may activate their gifts through the gift email, for more information about redeeming gifts visit this page.

    Adding another person to your Plus or Premium Plan
    The Account Holder's profile for your MasterClass account is automatically added during the sign-up process. To add a new profile:

    1. Log into your account
    2. Select your Profile
    3. On a web browser, it is located in the top right corner
    4. Select Profiles option
    5. Select '+' Add Profile
    6. Enter a profile name
    7. Upload a new profile image (optional)
    8. Select Continue

    🗒 The Account Holder's profile is the subscription holder’s profile. This profile cannot be deleted. This feature is currently available only on the website. Your MasterClass account and any profiles associated with it can be accessed using the Account Holder’s login credentials.

    More information about how to create and manage profiles can be found here.
    Streaming MasterClass
    With our Plus and Premium plans, you can stream MasterClass on multiple devices. The Plus plan allows streaming on up to 2 devices simultaneously, while the Premium plan lets you stream on up to 6 devices at the same time.

    Separate progress tracking on an account with multiple profiles
    With multiple profiles, friends and family are able to track their own progress separately by viewing classes within their unique profile. This allows multiple people to learn, browse, and view the way they want without interrupting each other.

    While classes can be viewed from different profiles, at this time Sessions are only available to be viewed on the main account holder’s profile. If friends or family want to view Sessions they will need to view it under the main profile. We are hoping to add Sessions to multiple profiles sometime in the future.
    Adding people to a Plus/Premium plan on an account linked to Google/Facebook
    If you don't want to use your Google or Facebook credentials across multiple devices to access MasterClass, please follow the steps here to unlink your account and log in using an email and password.
    Enrolling in the same Session on the Plus or Premium plan
    At this time we only allow one user to enroll in a specific Session class at a time. However, other shared users can enroll in different Session courses at the same time.