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David Baldacci

Teaches Mystery and Thriller Writing

In his MasterClass, bestselling thriller author David Baldacci teaches you how he fuses mystery and suspense to create pulse-pounding action.
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David Baldacci

Teaches Mystery and Thriller Writing

In his MasterClass, bestselling thriller author David Baldacci teaches you how he fuses mystery and suspense to create pulse-pounding action.
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Get unlimited access to all 200+ classes taught by the world's best, starting at $10/month (billed annually).

David Baldacci

Teaches Mystery and Thriller Writing

In his MasterClass, bestselling thriller author David Baldacci teaches you how he fuses mystery and suspense to create pulse-pounding action.
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Get unlimited access to all 200+ classes taught by the world's best, starting at $10/month (billed annually).

Starting at $10/month (billed annually) for all classes and sessions

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