
Margaret Atwood’s 4 Tips for Editing Your Writing

Written by MasterClass

Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 • 2 min read

Self-editing skills are crucial for writers of all levels, whether you are working with a dedicated editing team at a major publishing house, hiring a freelance editor, or publishing your own writing. Bestselling author Margaret Atwood offers key insights on how to be a better editor.

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Margaret Atwood’s 4 Tips for Editing Your Writing

Margaret Atwood is one of the most influential literary voices of our generation, known for works like The Blind Assassin and The Handmaid’s Tale. Although she works with a professional book editor via her publishing company, she has developed great editing skills of her own. In fact, even if you’re working with the best editor in the industry, it’s still important to remain engaged in the editing of your own books. Here are Margaret Atwood’s editing tips for authors:

  1. 1. Read your work aloud. As you enter the line-editing phase, read your own writing aloud. A good editor’s ear will catch awkward phrases that your eye often won’t.
  2. 2. Take time to get the process right. The final stages are about texture and detail, so it’s imperative to go slowly with a fine-tooth comb. Feel free to be finicky about word choice, while weeding out weak verbs, weak adjectives, and clichés.
  3. 3. Use physical editing tools. Try using a ruler to go down a printed copy of your story. This way you can read each line slowly and in isolation, looking for errors. An editor’s job is to notice everything. Even if you’re just proofreading your first draft, hold yourself to the standard of a professional editor.
  4. 4. Use computer shortcuts. Avail yourself of your word processor’s find-and-replace function, which can be useful to search for a word you may have used too frequently, or to verify where and how many times a character’s name appears. Digital tools can make you a better editor and thereby a better writer.

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