
How to Complete a 30-Day Writing Challenge

Written by MasterClass

Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 • 2 min read

Many writers struggle with finding the time to actually sit down and write. A 30-day writing challenge is one method for getting on the right track.

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What Is a 30-Day Writing Challenge?

A 30-day writing challenge is what it sounds like: a program designed to make you write every day for 30 days. An alternative to NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, the goal of which is to produce a 50,000-word novel in November), the 30-day creative writing challenge can be an organized or solo affair, but usually includes either a daily writing prompt or parameters for how much writing you need to get done each day—such as a set amount of time, word count, or page count. You can use the 30-day challenge to work on any type of creative writing, whether you’re writing a book, flash fiction, or trying to get into the habit of daily journaling.

Why Commit to a 30-Day Writing Challenge?

One of the best ways to become a better writer is to practice writing every day, but that can be hard to put into practice, especially if writing isn’t your full-time job. If you’re struggling to make writing a priority or are falling behind on a deadline, setting a goal to write every day for a month can help solidify your daily writing habit. Proving to yourself that you can write every day for 30 days is an accomplishment in itself, and you’ll no doubt build writing skills.

5 Tips for Participating in a 30-Day Writing Challenge

The 30 days of your writing challenge are bound to be difficult—that’s why it’s called a challenge. But there are some things you can do to set yourself up for success.

  1. 1. Be prepared. If you’re working on a particular project, go into it with a clear idea about what it is that you want to accomplish. Whether your goal is nailing down your book’s structure, completing the first draft of your novel, or trying out different forms of creative writing, preparation will help you feel more focused and ready to go when it’s time to write.
  2. 2. Get organized. Schedule your writing time in your calendar so you won’t be tempted to skip days. Make sure your lifestyle and habits support your new writing schedule.
  3. 3. Build up to it. If you’re having trouble with the 30-day challenge, try starting somewhere smaller, like five days in a week. If your goals are realistic, you’ll be more likely to achieve them and stick with your chosen program.
  4. 4. Stay focused. Eliminate distractions and commit to only writing during your designated writing time. This could mean writing with pen and paper instead of on the computer, or turning off the phone during your writing time.
  5. 5. Seek support. Whether it’s your fellow writers in the form of a writing group or online forum, or resources from a book, make sure you have tools you need to succeed. You can swap writing advice with your fellow writers. And if freewriting seems daunting, you can use writing exercises or creative writing prompts to help you focus and beat writer’s block.

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