
Complete Guide to Different Types of Point of View: Examples of Point of View in Writing

Written by MasterClass

Last updated: Sep 1, 2021 • 8 min read

While there are numerous ways to employ point of view in fiction, it’s good to familiarize yourself with the basics of this literary device.

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What Is Narrative Point of View?

Point of view is the “eye” or narrative voice through which you tell a story. When you write a story, you must decide who is telling the story, and to whom they are telling it. The story could be told by a character who is involved in the story, or from a perspective that sees and knows all of the characters but is not one of them.

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3 Types of Point of View

There are three primary types of point of view:

  1. 1. First person point of view. In first person point of view, one of the characters is narrating the story. This is generally revealed by the “I” sentence construction and relies on first person pronouns. (“I went to work.”) The reader assumes that this character is closely related to the story’s action—either a main character or someone close to the protagonist. First person narrative can provide intimacy and a deeper look into a character’s mind, but it is also limited by the perceptive abilities of the character. They are confined to report only what they would realistically know about the story, and they are further confined by their own perspective. Nick Carraway of The Great Gatsby (1925) by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ishmael of Herman Melville’s Moby Dick (1851) are two of the most well-known first person narrators in literature and great examples of this point of view.
  2. 2. Second person point of view. Second person point of view is structured around the “you” pronoun, and is less common in novel-length work. (“You thought you could do it.”) Second person can allow you to draw your reader into the story and make them feel like they’re part of the action because the narrator is speaking directly to them. Writing in second person for any great length is a challenge, and will stretch your writing skills. Lorrie Moore is well-known for her innovative use of second person narration in her short story collection Self-Help (1985). Second person point of view is sometimes referred to as second person POV.
  3. 3. Third person point of view. The author is narrating a story about the characters and refers to them with the third person pronouns “he/she.” (“He was hungry.”) This point of view is subdivided into third person omniscient and third person limited. Third person point of view is sometimes referred to as third person POV.

Ready to explore point of view in literature? Margaret Atwood’s MasterClass covers various ways to experiment with point of view—but the first step is to read, read, read. Start with Atwood’s recommended reading list for narrative points of view here.

What Is the Difference Between Third Person Omniscient and Third Person Limited?

The omniscient narrator knows everything about the story and its characters. This third person narrator can enter anyone’s mind, move freely through time, and give the reader their own opinions and observations as well as those of the characters. This narrator also knows more than the characters—think of the omniscient narrator as having a god’s-eye-view of the characters. (“He had been infected with the virus, but he didn’t know it yet.”)

The third person limited point of view (often called a “close third”) is when an author sticks closely to one character but remains in third person. This style gives you the ability to be inside a character’s thoughts, feelings, and sensations, which can give readers a deeper experience of character and scene. (“As she watched him leave, she was afraid he’d never come back.”)

Ernest Hemingway is known for his use of a very direct style of third person narration.

An open book on marble with plants and coffee

How to Choose the Right Point of View in 4 Easy Steps

It can be hard to figure out which point of view works best for you. The best way around this is to try out a few things and see what flows best. Do the words sound better coming from a first person POV or a third person POV? Is a third-person perspective going to do justice to your ideas, or will a more intimate, single character narrating through first person perspective be better?

  1. 1. Try different points of view. The only way to decide the best point of view strategy for your novel is to try different ones. Likely, you’ll know the right one for your story because the writing will begin to move more quickly, and you’ll feel momentum. First person allows you to create intimacy by granting the reader access to your character’s internal monologue. Second person is often made as a stylistic choice; it is a powerful yet potentially overwhelming narrative device that can evoke feelings of confusion or claustrophobia. Third person narrative is a more flexible choice than first or second person. It allows you to switch between characters’ points of view. You can even zoom in and out from complete omniscience to limited or “close” third point of view.
  2. 2. Once you pick a point of view, establish it right away. Whichever narration style you use, it’s important to establish your point of view quickly. Always let the reader know which character’s perspective you’re following in any given scene. If you’re using third person, you should use the character’s name early in the section. Even a simple statement like “Robert felt tired” is enough to convey this information. While you’re in a point of view, stick to it. For example, if you’re narrating from your hero character’s perspective and, in the middle of a scene, you suddenly switch to the point of view of a different character, the disruption will jar your reader out of the story.
  3. 3. Be aware of limitations. Point of view is an essential tool in character development. You’re describing the world through their eyes and letting the reader know what they think and feel. You’ll need to be aware at all times what your characters’ limitations are. Review your writing frequently to scan for mistakes you might have made in giving a character information or opinions they wouldn’t normally have.
  4. 4. Change it up. You don’t have to be tied to one point of view throughout your novel; some novels move from first to third or first to second. But it’s important to note that when you establish point of view, you are creating another type of contract with the reader: that you will adhere to that point of view for the course of the scene. It’s all right to have different subplots told from different points of view throughout your novel, but you should treat each point of view as an individual section or chapter.

4 Ways to Use Point of View

You can use narrative point of view to many different effects in your writing.

  1. 1. Create suspense. When a reader knows more than the character, as in Bram Stoker's Dracula (1897), and your reader waits for the character to learn what they already know. This tension will keep your reader on the edge of their seat.
  2. 2. Create an unreliable narrator. When a first person narrator knows more than the reader but withholds information from the reader on purpose, in order to manipulate them. Gone Girl (2012) by Gillian Flynn and Rebecca (1938) by Daphne du Maurier are brilliant examples of unreliable narrators.
  3. 3. Create comedic irony. When a first person narrator knows so much less than both the reader and the other characters that it creates comedy. In this strategy, the reader is laughing at the narrator, rather than with him or her. Examples include Gulliver in Gulliver’s Travels (1726) by Jonathan Swift, in which a plain-spoken narrator tells whoppers with a straight face, and A Confederacy of Dunces (1980) by John Kennedy Toole, in which the narrator complains about the ineptitude of other characters, when he is clearly the most inept character of all. An omniscient narrator can also satirize all a story’s characters, as Voltaire does in Candide (1759).
  4. 4. Create tragic irony. The characters know less than the reader. Narrative irony also involves foreshadowing, when the omniscient narrator leaves hints for the reader about something that will happen in the future. When a tragic event has been foreshadowed, but the characters don’t see it coming, a sense of irony is created. You can also create tragic irony in first person point of view, but you have to walk the fine line of having your narrator foreshadow while remaining truly ignorant of what’s going to happen.
writing exercises to practice point of view

Practice Point of View With 2 Point of View Writing Exercises

Now that you have a solid understanding of various points of view and their applications, try putting your knowledge into writing with the following exercises.

  • Experiment with a single scene. Think of an event that involves at least three characters. Then, on three different pages or documents, write about this event from these three different points of view, trying both first person and third person (or second person, if you’re feeling bold!). After you have written your scene, read over it and ask yourself the following questions: How did the point of view change the story? Which felt most natural? Most compelling?
  • Apply POV to your novel. If you’re at work on a novel or longer project, apply this exercise to your work in progress. Choose a major event in the book that you’re working on. From whose point of view did you write it originally? On a blank page or document, try writing about that same event from a different character’s point of view; push yourself to write the entire event from this different vantage. What differences did you discover in how this character experienced or recounted the event? Did retelling the event through their eyes change the way you understood it? Don’t worry if this point of view doesn’t find its way into a final draft. But try to stay open to the way that handing the narration to a different character deepens and complicates your understanding of the events of your story.

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